Registration and Curricular Guidelines

Registration in a Subject

Any student who enrolls and pays the corresponding fees shall report and attend the enrolled subjects from the start until the end of the term/semester. Failure to do so shall mean a grade of 9.0 (dropped) unless all subjects shall be officially dropped through the Student Accounts Office and subjects shall be truncated.

Maximum Subject Load

The subject load of students is based on the approved curriculum of each program of study.

Pre-Requisite Subject Regulation

Pre-requisite subjects are those that must be completed for the students to qualify for enrollment in subsequent (and usually related) subjects. Students are not allowed to take advanced subjects without finishing the prerequisite courses. If they do so, the advanced course shall not be credited to them regardless of their performance in it.​

Students may, however, be allowed to simultaneously enroll in pre-requisite and advance courses if the student has a superior scholastic standing, in this case, a copy of Student Permanent Record (SPR) must be attached to his/her Advising Form.

Cross Enrollment

The University allows cross-enrollment to other schools for the following reasons:

The desired subjects are not offered in the University during the term of the student’s enrollment; or the student intends to spend the summer term in his/her home or region and wishes to enroll in subjects while he/she is in the same. Subjects taken in other schools by a regularly enrolled student in the University are not credited unless the student has secured in advance a written permission from the Dean which shall be the basis for the issuance of a cross-enrollment permit by the Registrar.

Excess Load for Graduating Students

A graduating student of a non-board program may be permitted an additional load of not more than six (6) units in excess of the normal load specified in the curriculum but not to exceed 30 units.

A graduating student of a board program (with licensure examination) is not permitted to have an overload.

A graduating student may, on a case to case basis, be allowed to take simultaneously two (2) PE subjects. In the request, the student should indicate the following information:

Reasons justifying his/her failure to take PE in the preceding semesters;
His/her class schedule and the schedule of the requested classes; and
The endorsement of the Registrar with statement graduation upon completion of load.
The approval of such request depends on the University.

The University is committed to take all steps to ensure a careful evaluation of the students’ record to guarantee that they are graduating with the proposed load.

Adding and Dropping of Subjects

A student who wishes to change his/her subject load may do so within the enrollment period. Failure to revise/change withing the prescribed period shall mean payment of fees for dropped subjects.

No student shall be allowed to add or drop subjects to his/her current load after the prescribed period.

Revision of subject load should not violate the following:
The pre-requisite subject regulation;
Dropping of PE, NSTP or back subjects; and
The paired lecture and laboratory subject.


Under the term system which the University observes, the school calendar requires nine (9) weeks of classes from Mondays to Saturdays (Saturdays for library works, research and group activities) except for College of Law, Graduate School, and courses with semestral subjects. Students are expected to attend classes regularly. Attendance is counted from the first regular class meeting. Students who incur absences equivalent to more that 20% of the course hours required shall be dropped from the roll.

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